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Choreographic work

'Room 2 Heal' 2018

“Room 2 Heal” is a piece of dance-circus work that in collaboration with The Emotional Logic Centre will explore the Emotional Logic © Tool through movement. A performance piece and suite of workshops that portray three elements of the educational tool through a range of physical embodiment and accompanied by voice and devised music. The work aims to engage the public in conversations about the role of emotions and emotional health on their well-being and will specifically look at the difficult emotions experienced in situations of set-back, conflict and loss.

Using a blend of dance and circus skills the group of performers will take the audience on a journey physically exploring the internal sensations experienced in conflict, loss and setbacks through everyday scenarios. Followed by the logical elements of the tool displaying how reasoning can be brought into areas of seeming emotional chaos.

'Estimation' 2017

"Estimation" is a pilot project work created in 2017 on Spin Drift Dance Collective. The piece explores the notion of Bargaining, spoken of within The Emotional Logic Tool. The piece toured to six indoor and outdoor venues The piece was a great success and received positive feedback from audience members including a Neuroscience and Psychology student who said, “as a non-dancer it was great to see the work portrayed so well through movement, expressing the tool through non-verbal communication in a fresh and exciting way”.

'Why the birds sing' 2014

"Why the birds sing" is a group documentary dance performance that was choreographed in 2014 around a charity Sky Dive for The A21 Campaign. The piece was originally performed on The Bonnie Bird Stage in London.

'Who triumphs' 2013

"Who triumphs" is a duet based upon Rudyard Kiplings poem "If" that explores the notion of Triumph and Disaster through movement and voice. The piece was displayed in 2013 and was chosen to be shown as part of a Choreographic Show Case in The Bonnie Bird theatre London.

'Room 2 Heal'
Room 2 Heal at The Barbican Theatre Plymouth 2018

Room 2 Heal at The Barbican Theatre Plymouth 2018

Play Video

Year of production: 2018

Running Time: 28 minutes


A short clip captured at The Plymouth Fringe Festival in June 2018. ‘Room 2 Heal’ is an exciting piece of dance-circus work exploring life's everyday conflicts, setbacks and losses through the lens of The Emotional Logic Centres © lifelong learning tool. Physically portraying this the performers will take you on an interesting journey from chaos to reasoning.



Estimation Creative Process 2017

Estimation Creative Process 2017

Play Video

Year of production: 2017


A short clip from the creation of 'Estimation' on Spin Drift Dance Collective at the Theatre and Production Centre TR2, Theatre Royal Plymouth.

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